California Real Estate Principles, 11.1 Edition


This text is a comprehensive coverage of all topics required to pass the Real Estate Principles portion of the California real estate license exam is delivered in the same approachable language and tone previous editions of California Real Estate Principles have become known for. The text reflects all legislative changes, shifts in the market, and currently accepted terminology affecting the field of real estate in the state of California.

• Updated internal design and refreshed art create an enjoyable atmosphere for readers.
• Sample forms now appearing in chapter appendices minimize disruption and still allow for ease of reference.
• Revised Real Estate Contracts chapter addresses the various listing agreements and reviews in-depth the latest Residential Listing Agreement and the Residential Purchase Agreement.
• Updated Landlord and Tenant Relations chapter discusses 2019 Rent Control and Just Cause Eviction Act.
• Taxation chapter explains the new Proposition 19, which made significant changes to Propositions 58, 60, and 90 dealing with the parent-child reassessment transfer and replacement of a primary residence.
• Refined Reviewing Your Understanding questions written with the DRE exam in mind are a valuable study tool.

Publisher: The CE Shop