Student Teachers and Residents

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Future student teachers and residents* should become familiar with the information in this section. Browse by using the buttons below or the menu to the left. It is important to understand and be prepared for the application process for your final semester(s) in the School of Education teacher licensure programs.

Please be advised, student teaching/residency candidates are expected to meet all application deadlines and have their placement confirmed by the end of the semester prior to beginning student teaching or residency.

The Student Teaching Handbook provides more explanation regarding responsibilities and expectations for student teaching. Residents should consult the Residency Handbook provided in seminar.

*Residency is the year-long classroom experience completed by Elementary Education majors in place of student teaching. Residency is not currently available for any other program. All other licensure candidates complete student teaching at the end of their program.

Student Teaching & Residency Application Process

Teacher candidates who are nearing the end of their coursework will need to begin preparation for their Student Teaching or Residency. Please review the information below to familiarize yourself with the process.

Please be advised, student teaching/residency candidates are expected to meet all application deadlines and have their placement confirmed by the end of the semester prior to beginning student teaching or residency.

The Student Teaching Handbook provides more explanation regarding responsibilities and expectations for student teaching. Residents should consult the Residency Handbook provided in seminar.


Teacher candidates preparing to apply for student teaching and residency will need the following items and information prepared.

Program Progress and Eligibility Requirements

Student teaching will occur in the final semester of your program. All required coursework, including general studies, major, minor, and/or licensure coursework should be completed before the beginning of the student teaching semester. Students completing a residency program will need to confirm the appropriate time to begin the residency with their School of Education faculty advisor. Please review the additional application eligibility requirements for your program level below.

Undergraduate Candidate Eligibility Requirements:

Prior to student teaching, all undergraduate degree-seeking candidates must:

In addition, secondary and K-12 Art, Music, and P.E. candidates must:

Please note: All required teacher licensure and content area coursework must be completed with a grade of C- or better before student teaching.

Post-baccalaureate Candidate Eligibility Requirements:

Post-baccalaureate teacher licensure candidates must have a minimum of nine (9) credit hours of MSU Denver School of Education coursework to become eligible to student teach.

Prior to student teaching, all post-baccalaureate students must:

Please note: All required teacher licensure and content area coursework must be completed with a grade of C- or better before student teaching.

Graduate Candidate Eligibility Requirements:

Prior to student teaching, graduate candidates must:

Please note: All required Master of Arts in Teaching coursework must be completed with a grade of C or better before student teaching. A grade of C- does not meet this requirement.

State-Required Licensure Exam

Teacher Candidates will need to pass the Licensure Exam(s) required for their program. Candidates should work with their School of Education faculty advisor(s) to plan and prepare for this exam. In addition to all other licensure program requirements, candidates must pass all required exams before receiving a recommendation for licensure. Music Education candidates must pass their required Licensure Exam prior to applying for Student Teaching.

We recommend that you save your score report electronically, as you will need it to apply for your teaching license. Please check the Praxis website early in order to give yourself enough time to prepare for and pass the exam prior to completing your licensure program (or, in some cases, before you can apply to student teach).

Visit the School of Education Licensure Exam page for details regarding your specific exam requirements, as well as study resource suggestions.


Teacher Candidates must submit an updated résumé as part of their intent to apply for student teaching or residency. Below you will find sample résumés and frequently asked questions to help you prepare your résumé.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Résumé: