Newborn Screening - Obtaining Results

****The Newborn Screening Program is implementing multifactor authentication (MFA) functionality for the Newborn Screening Application in the Health Commerce System. This change will add an additional layer of security to the application. Effective June 1, 2023, all Newborn Screening Application users will be required to use MFA at login. You will not be able to access newborn screen reports without setting up MFA in the HCS application. All users are encouraged to set up MFA prior to the June 1st start date so that you do not experience any disruptions in access. You will not be required to use MFA until the start date occurs. For additional information, including step-by-step instructions on setting up MFA please click here to view instructions on the HCS website. For questions and issues setting up MFA please contact the Commerce Accounts Management Unit (CAMU) by phone: (866) 529-1890 or email:

Providers can contact the Newborn Screening Program at (518) 473-7552 about requirements and registering for access to the SRV, a web-based system for accessing results. If you already have access to the NYS DOH HCS, send an email and request access to the secure remote viewer. Please include your username for the HCS and your hospital affiliation, if applicable. You will receive an email confirming your access. The SRV will allow you to view, print and save a PDF file of newborn screen results. If you are affiliated with a hospital, a staff member(s) is designated as the HCS coordinator and can give you access to the system. If you do not have access to the NYS DOH HCS, request an account for access from the HCS website.

Obtaining results using the HCS: Log into the HCS using your user ID and password. On the left side of the page, go to My Applications and click on “Newborn Screen Result Viewer.” Enter the medical record number from the hospital of birth or the NBS lab ID number and select search. A list of all specimens for the newborn will appear. Place a check mark next to the report you want to view and click “view selected reports”.

Electronic Transfer of Results directly to Medical Records Systems: Facilities that transmit Newborn Screening demographic and collection data electronically via an HL7 interface can receive results electronically into the facility's electronic medical records system or laboratory results system.

Obtaining Results for Sickle Cell Disease/Trait for NCAA Participation

According to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rules, all Division I, II and III school athletes are required to be tested for the sickle cell trait. This is to alert coaches and athletic trainers that athletes with this trait may need to take special precautions. For more information on this NCAA requirement, please visit the NCAA website.

New York State began screening all infants for sickle cell disease in 1975 as part of the Newborn Screening panel. Such testing also identifies newborns with sickle cell trait (an individual with a single sickle cell gene and one normal gene). Such individuals are typically without symptoms but, rarely, may develop serious health problems during extreme physical stress such as severe dehydration.

The following options are available for a student who needs to confirm their Sickle Cell trait status:

-Obtain a prescription from your healthcare provider and get tested.
-Access newborn screening results from your birth record through your birth hospital or pediatrician.
-Have your current healthcare provider request NYS newborn screening results from the Newborn Screening Program.
-Request a copy of your newborn screen results from the Newborn Screening Program.

To obtain results for students who are currently NYS residents but who were not born in NYS, we recommend contacting the newborn screening program in the State where the child was born to learn about their current policies for releasing results of newborn screening tests.

*Students over 18 and parent/guardians of students under 18 can request results using this form.
*Providers can request results using this form

Please complete form with as much information as possible, including mother's name at time of birth. Incomplete forms may cause a delay in receipt of results. Completed forms can be emailed to or faxed to (518) 474-0405. The newborn screening program must be in possession of a signed form in order to process requests. Verbal requests are not accepted.

Please note that we receive a large volume of these requests every day. It may take up to two weeks for us to retrieve the record from our archives. The newborn screen report may be mailed or faxed. It cannot be sent via email because the reports contain protected health information. Individual requests will not be prioritized for any reason. The primary mission of the New York State Newborn Screening Program is to identify newborns with health conditions so that they may receive timely evaluation and treatment. A newborn screen report is not the only way to satisfy the NCAA’s requirement to provide proof of sickle cell screening; this may also be determined through a quick, routine blood test called a Hemoglobin electrophoresis that can be ordered by a medical provider.

Providers without a NYS License

Providers lacking a NYS license do not have access to the HCS/SRV. Such providers may obtain results by faxing a request for results to 518-474-0405. Include the lab ID or the baby’s date of birth, sex at birth, hospital of birth and mother’s full name and your contact information and address. Providers can also request results using this form. A copy of the results will be sent by FAX or mailed as requested.